Michigan Civil Mediation Services

Equitable Endeavors Mediation is a general civil mediation service that provides mediation to all of Michigan

Michigan Civil Mediation Services

Equitable Endeavors Mediation is a general civil mediation service that provides mediation to all of Michigan

We’re Helping People Gain Power In Their Lives

Neighbor Disputes

Neighbor disputes can be a source of considerable stress and tension, often leading to strained


Personal Injury

Personal injury disputes can be emotionally draining and financially burdensome, especially when seeking


WorkPlace Disputes

Workplace disputes can disrupt productivity, harm morale, and lead to costly legal battles


Small Business

Small businesses face numerous challenges, and disputes among business partners


Wrongful Termination

Wrongful termination can be emotionally and financially devastating


Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment in the workplace can have a profound and detrimental


Property Dispute

Disputes over personal property can quickly escalate and strain relationships



Tenant/landlord disputes can be fraught with tension and legal complexities

Common Queries

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I notice you are based in Ohio, but licensed in Michigan; how will this work?
A: All Mediations are currently being conducted via Zoom. This is so that we may minimize our operational costs and serve a greater geographical area. It also allows you to remain in the comfort of your own home. In return, we ask that you be fully clothed during any conferences.
Q: I have general questions about mediation as a process.
A: While we are happy to discuss these things during a free consultation, please keep in mind that response times will vary. If you think you can find the answer online, we strongly encourage you to do so.
Please examine the following online resources before submitting any general questions: (ADR resources)

What People say about us

Brian is very knowledgable and professional.  I would recommend him to friends and family.

Jeff W

Brian is very knowledgable and professional.  I would recommend him to friends and family.



Jeff W

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